Well, time keeps moving on. On Tuesday we will reach the three week mark, and today we thought we'd give you a little taste of what each day looks like now that we are settled into a regular routine.
After class we have a few hours of free time. So far we've found different places to eat, met up with different people for lunch and other things, run errands to get groceries and other things for the house, and spent time at home. We've got quite a bit to do at home each day. We have homework from VIVA, and we have to prepare to teach English at CINAFE each afternoon. PLUS, we have Emre to hang out with! [More on him later.]
At 3:00 each afternoon, we go to CINAFE to teach English to the children there. It is getting better each day. The first few days were very difficult. We didn't know how much English they had learned, and our Spanish was barely sufficient to explain things. After that we added songs, games, and hopefully useful vocabulary, and it seems like things are moving along quite well. Below you can find a nice little video from Valeska, showing a little of what she's learned. No cue cards or anything!
After classes, we get to eat supper with the kids and staff. It's been special to connect with them so quickly. CINAFE is the reason that we decided to make this move to Nicaragua, and we have been blessed to have them take us in and allow us to practice our Spanish and build relationships with them. We've gone to church each Sunday with them, and even participated in birthday celebrations. They are a great group of people, and we are so thankful that God has placed them in our lives. [Here's a little video of a Nicaraguan birthday piƱata. It's quite a fun time.]
Make it a great day,
Mitch and Lauren
I am so excited to see house pics! Wow, almost 3 weeks!!